There was a point in time when I secretly dreaded three month old sessions. I found the babies difficult to position, and more times than not it seemed like they were crying or cranky-- or turned there soon after arriving at the studio.
There were those "miracle" sessions when everything went smoothly, but it was such a gamble it physically caused me anxiety. Yuck!
We, fortunately, came to the realization that the babies who were able to support their heads (this milestone is usually reached sometime in the 3rd to 4th month of life) where our "miracle" sessions. After that, we started recommending that our clients wait until little one is comfy on their belly and able to support their head-- even if it means pushing their session back a couple weeks. I mean, really, what's more important-- the specific date or the super cute, smiley portrait of your baby??
I find three to four month old babies to be one of my favorite sessions now -- they are always SO happy (and who can not smile back at those big toothless grins??) Their personalities are beginning to show through and their clothes now fit! (It's nearly impossible to get a newborn outfit to fit right!)
One thing has not changed however -- the attention span and tolerance level a three month old baby has for portraits is SHORT! For this reason, Jason and I both fly by the seats of our pants to get through these sessions as fast as we can. Not to "get it over with" -- but rather, because we know we're on borrowed time.
The portraits below of little Reese were taken when she was 4 months old-- and they are a great example of why I love three (or four!) month sessions.
Oh, and I love hats! :)
