Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lance & Alayna - Engagement Session

My second session all by my lonesome was an engagement session for Lance and Alayna. We are to photograph their wedding this summer, but this was the first time we actually met!

It had started snowing outside and I've been trying to convince someone to go outside with me for a "walk" through the snow. I loved that these two were up for anything-- even hiking through shin deep snow! I am SO excited to photograph your wedding and your trash the dress session-- yippee! :)

Enjoy your sneak peek guys!

~Heather & Jason

Albin Family Session

This past weekend I found myself manning the studio alone! Typically both Jason and myself shoot-- especially for sessions with children it's a lot easier and smoother for everyone involved. However our little one has been sick-sick-sick and with Friday and Saturday looming ever closer we knew that one of us would have to stay home.
I typically photograph a lot for weddings and seniors, but usually in the studio (especially during the winter) I find myself posing more than shooting. Let me say, it was SOOOOO refreshing to get back behind the camera again! It's so nice to have a job that I love!
The first session of the day was a family session who brought along with them by far the LARGEST dog I have ever photographed.

I was so impressed with how well behaved he was too! The whole session was a hoot trying to get him to "pose" for us!
Thanks guys for a great session!
~Heather & Jason

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Newborn Session: Olivia

It's been a while since we've been posting new blogs-- a big apology to those of you who check back frequently! Fortunately for us, it's not because we haven't been shooting -- but rather the opposite, we are SOOO busy!

I (Heather) am working the studio full time now (WOO HOO!) and couldn't be happier! We suffered a small case of growing pains late last year and I think that Jason and myself have worked through those. Thank you so much to everyone for their patience and understanding-- our little studio has grown so much in the past 6 months!

I will work hard on posting more blog entries and work even harder on trying to keep up to date with them! :)

In the meantime, check out this little cutie! I LOVE sleeping newborns and I love it when parents bring in props for us.....little Olivia was a doll and we had a blast working with Dad's fire helmet.

Like the box Jason picked out all on his own? :D I sure do and newborns fit so well on it!
~Heather & Jason

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